• Illness causing germs and bacteria are lurking around everywhere in your home. Sure, you know about the bacteria hot spots like cutting boards, toilet handles and door knobs, but there are a few surprising bacteria-infested areas of your home that you may not know about. Your entrance way is filled with a variety of bacteria, germs and pollutants. So are kitchen walls, floors and the upholstered furniture in the family room. Bacteria are hiding in every room of your home and if anyone in your home has a compromised immune system, or is prone to allergy or asthma attacks, traditional cleaning combined with the use of a robotic cleaner may lessen bacteria caused flare-ups.
    Entryway Bacteria
    Everyone who enters your home brings in some type of bacteria on the bottom of their shoes. Whatever has been walked in outside is carried in on the bottom of shoes and deposited first in the entryway, then throughout every other room in which you walk. Fecal matter from dogs, cats and birds, polluted water, sidewalk spit and a host of lawn chemicals and insect debris cling to shoes with each outdoor step and is brought indoors.
    Kitchen Bacteria
    Cooking steam covers the kitchen ceiling, walls, cabinets and floors. The moist covering acts like a magnet and a spider web, attracting and catching every dust, germ and bacterial particle that passes through the kitchen. Kitchen countertops and dining tables are also filled with bacteria brought in on the bottoms of purses, backpacks, shopping bags and the like.
    Upholstered Furniture
    Bacteria, germs and pollutants of all sorts land on upholstered furniture ever time someone sits down or tosses a jacket on a chair. You, your family, friends, neighbors and pets all deposit a host of bacteria on upholstered furniture with each sit-down. Whatever is deposited in the comfy fabric (including carpet and area rugs) waits for someone to attach itself too, unless it is cleaned away regularly with a robotic cleaner.
    Moist Bathroom Environment
    Bathrooms have moist, warm environments and are prime breeding grounds for bacteria, mold and mildew. Shower curtains, bath mats, damp towels on floor, carpeted bath mats, toothbrushes and mouthwash bottles all harbor germs and bacteria. Bars of bath soap harbor illness-causing bacteria when used by a sick person (fecal matter) and communal family towels used for hand drying are often more germ-infested than the toilet handle.

    Washing Machine
    When clothing or bedding used by a sick person is laundered without bleach, the illness causing germs and bacteria are not killed. They cling to the inside of the washing machine and attach to next load of laundry. That is one way a contagious sickness (like a stomach virus) is passed throughout a family.
    Where https://homegoplus.com/collections/all/neato-botvac-sale are piled, like the inside or a laundry basket or in the floor, is also another place germs lurk and grow.

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